PULSU is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
pulsu n {1} pulse. {2} wrist. maáyu ug a having steady hands. Hantir kaáyu nang tawhána kay maáyu man kaáyug pulsu, That man is a sharpshooter because he has steady hands. pugung sa n {1} s.t. to stave o? hunger (lit. hold back the pulse). {2} s.t. done temporarily in the absence of s.t. better. Náay íyang trabáhu apan pugung lang nà sa pulsu kay wà may láin, He has a job but it is just temporary because he doesnt have anything else. v [AP; c] {1} stave o? hunger. Mupugung (mupapugung) sa pulsu ang kindi, Candies will stave o? hunger. {2} make do with s.t. Ígù pang makapugung sa pulsu ning diyútayng gasulína sa gasulinahan, This little gasoline is enough to get us to the gas station. hiN- v [AN; b6] take s. o. s pulse. Ang duktur ang muhimulsu (manghimulsu) nímu, The doctor will feel your pulse. rilu di-n wrist watch. pulta n {1} door, doorway. mayur main door. {2} admission fee. {3} = pwirtu. v [A; c] pay admission. Akuy mupulta nímu sa sini, Ill pay your way to the show. pultahan n {1} doorway. {2} store space used as a retail establishment. Duha ka náyung pultahan ang ílang giabángan, They rented two adjacent store spaces. pultíra = pultíru (female). pultíru n doorkeeper, usher who collects admission tickets. v [B16; bc1] be a ticket collector.