PULUNG is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
púlung n {1} word. Maáyu ka lang sa púlung, You are only good in talking. {1a} Word, as used in theology. Sa sinugdánan mau ang Púlung, In the beginning was the Word. {2} statement or message. Unsay íyang púlung? What did he say? [gen. ] [gen. ] said. Asa ka? púlung níya, Where are you going? said he. {3} word received as a point of honor. Bakákun ka kay wà kay púlung, Youre a liar because you didnt keep your word. v [A12C; c] have a dialogue, conference. Nagpúlung ang mga tinugyánan sa duha ka násud, The representatives of the two nations had a conference. Gipulúngan námù ang ímung suliran, We discussed your problem in a conference. pulungpúlung v [C; bc] engage in a conversation. Wà siyay ikapulungpúlung sukad mabálu, He had no one to talk to after his wife died. paN-v {1} [A2; c6] deliver a speech, say s.t. before an audience. Siya ang únang namúlung, He was the first one to speak to the group. {2} [A2; c] say s.t. about s.t. Unsay ímung ikapamúlung niánà? What can you say about that? {3} [A2; b] speak to the parents asking for their daughters hand. Nakapamúlung na siya sa ginikánan sa babáyi, He has already asked the parents for the girls hand. n celebration held in asking a girls hand from her parents. tigpaN- n {1} speaker in a program. {2} one who speaks for others. -in-an() n {1} language, way of speech. {2} word of honor. maN-r-n speaker, orator. pakig- n speech. -un() n saying. Dúnay pulungun nga nag-ingun, ang nagputak mauy nangitlug, There is a saying that goes, the one who cackles laid the egg (i. e. whoever complains the loudest must be the culprit).