PUNAW is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
punaw n k. o. edible clam about 1 1/2 in diameter. It is a dark reddish-brown color. púnaw v {1} [B126; a4b4] feel faint. Gipúnaw (gipunáwan) ku sa kabúhì, I felt faint from my stomach pain. {2} [b4(1)] be overcome by a strong emotion. Napunáwan siya sa hilabihang kasubù, She was overcome with grief. {3} [B126] be overcome by shame. Mu rag napúnaw ku sa íyang tinutukan, The way he stared at me, I wanted to sink into a crack in the floor. punawpúnaw paN- v [A] go far away from s. o. to the horizon or upper spaces where the image is blurred. Namunawpúnaw ang langgam sa kahitas-an, The bird soared up to the high-est reaches of the sky. kapunawpunáwan n {1} horizon, upper reaches of heaven. {2} deepest recesses of ones consciousness (literary). Ang íyang tíngug mikulíkut sa kapunawpunáwan sa ákung katúlug, Her voice pierced into the depths of my slumber.