PUNTU is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
puntu n {1} point, the important or main idea. Klarúha ang puntu sa buut mung ipasabut, Clarify the point that you want to make. dibista point of view. {2} period in writing. {2a} ikúma semicolon. {2a1} speaking slowly. Puntu ikúma kaáyug sinultihan, Speaking slowly and tediously. {3} accent, pronun-ciation. Puntu sa Dalagit ang íyang sinultihan, She talks with a Dalaguete accent. {3a} tune of a musical piece. Dì nà mau ang puntu, Thats not the tune. {3b} timing, rhythm. Maáyug puntu ang íyang sinayawan, She dances in a good rhythm. a {1} fitting, mixed to the right proportion, done at the right time, right for the purpose for which it is meant. Puntu kaáyu ang timpla sa sabaw, The soup is perfectly seasoned. Puntu nang aníhun ang humay, Now is just the time to harvest the rice. Dílì puntu ang midisína nga nadápat sa duktur, The doctor did not administer the right medicine. Dílì puntu ang ímung tubag, Your answer is not exactly to the point. {2} doing s.t. regularly. Dílì puntu ang ílang pagpangáun, They dont eat regularly. v {1} [A; b6(1)] punctuate with a period. {2} [A2B16; c1] sing with the correct tune and rhythm. Kamau ming mupuntu ug náay musúgud, We know how to get the correct tune if s. o. starts. Ipuntu (puntúha) ang ímung sinayawan sa sunáta, Dance in time to the music. {2a} [C; ac] in harmony. Nagkapuntu ang ílang tíngug, They sang in harmony. {2b} [A; a] in pounding rice, when s. o. wants to join in pounding together with s. o. else, to tap the side of the mortar each time the other persons pestle is out in order to get the rhythm prior to pounding, so that when the two are pounding together the pestles will not collide. Pun-túhi úsà antis ka muásud, Tap your pestle on the mortar to get the rhythm before you enter in. {3} [A2; c1] add seasoning in the right consistency. Lamì ang sálad ug puntúhun (ipuntu) ang asin, súkà, ug asúkar, The salad will come out nice if the salt, vinegar, and sugar are added in the right proportions. {3a} [A; a] do s.t. at the right time or in the right way. Mipuntu giyud síyag adtu arun dílì sila magkabaíwas, He went just at the right time so they wouldnt miss each other. {3b} [A2] make a point in an argument, answer to the point. Mipuntu siya niadtung tubága, He hit the point with that answer. {3c} [A2N; b(1)] score a point. Siyay mamuntu sa baskit kay hingígù, He makes a lot of baskets because he is a crack player. {4} [C1] do s.t. on a regular schedule. {5} [c] ikúma speak slowly. panghiN- = puntu, v2b. di- n short pants. v [A; b6] wear short pants. pun-tíru n one who blends the sugar being refined. paN- n regional pronunciation.