PUNU is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
punù a {1} filled, full. Punù ang ímung úlu sa binúang, Your head is filled with all sorts of foolishness. {2} covered with s.t. v {1} [AB56; a2] fill up a container or space. Siyay nagpunù sa baldi ug balas, He filled up the pail (with sand). Ang lawak napunù sa mga táwu, The room was filled with people. {2} [B1246; a12] be full of s.t. , all covered with. Napunù sa kawras ang íyang mga bitíis, Her legs are all covered with scratches. {3} [A; c] add s.t. to. Íyang gipun-an ang ámung swildu ug tagdiyis písus, He added ten pesos each to our salary. {3a} [A23; c] say s.t. further in a conversation. Wà na kuy ikapunù sa ákung gisulti sa úna, I have nothing further to add to what I said before. {3b} [b(1)] [so-and-so] is true on top of s.t. else. Gipun-an pa sa íyang pagkadátù ang íyang pagkabrayit, He is rich and also smart. n {1} amount added or thrown into a bargain. Pila may ímung punù sa pagbugtì sa ímung báka sa íyang kabáyù? How much money did you throw in when you bartered your cow for his horse? {2} things said in addition to. Kaáyu untang ipuyù dinhi, punù níya nga nanghupaw, How nice would it be to live here, he added, sighing. maka- n a variety of coconut, filled with meat which remains soft even when mature. pulun-an, pulun-anan n amount to add. pun-unun, pulun-un n container to be filled up. púnù n trunk of a tree, main stem or body of a tree, apart from the limbs and roots. -an n {1} = púnù. {1a} the tree as a unit for numeration. Tulu ka punúang mangga, Three mango trees. {2} base, lowest part of s.t. Balay nga náa sa punúan sa bungtud, A house at the foot of the hill. Punúan sa hagdan, Foot of the stairs. {2a} point of attachment of a part of the body. Gihubagan ku sa may punúan sa ákung páa, I have a boil right at the base of my thigh. Punúan sa buhuk, The roots of the hair. {3} o? cials in charge of an o? ce. Punúan sa lungsud, The town o? cials. {4} main o? ce of a company. paN-n president, governor. paN- lalawígan governor of the province. paN-násud president of the nation. v {1} [A2; b6] be the president. {1a} [A12] get as ones president. {2} [A2] govern. Gibutáan tas mga Katsílà sa dihang silay mipamúnù (namúnù), The Spaniards blinded us when they governed us. paN-an n {1} administration of a certain regime. {2} way of administering. paN-an nga kumpaníya head o? ce, mother company. v {1} [A2; b6] govern. Ug ikay mamunúan, wà kay mahímù, If you are in power, you wont be able to do anything. {2} [A12] get a certain regime as ones government.