PUPU is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
pùpù v {1} [A; a] pick fruits, leaves, flowers from a tree by breaking o? the peduncle. Pùpúun ku tung hinug nangkà, Ill pick that ripe jackfruit. {2} [A12; a12] gather, obtain s.t. from ones e? orts. Nakapùpù kug mga kasayúran báhin sa íyang ka-gahápun, I have gathered information about his past. Wà kay mapùpù sa pagsúruy, Theres nothing you can get out of roam-ing about. {3} [A23] yield fruits as produce. Usa ka punúang mangga mupùpù ug usa ka líbu ka búnga, A mango tree yields a thousand fruits. {4} [B12; b8] ang púsud for the umbilical cord to break o? (shortly after birth). Sa ikaupat ka adlaw magkapùpù na ang púsud, On the fourth day the umbilical cord begins to fall o? . -in- n s.t. picked or excerpted. Basáha kining mga pinùpù sa Baláang Kasulátan, Read these excerpts from the Holy Bible.