PURDIYUS is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
purdiyus expression of utter discomfiture, disgust, or disagree-ment with s.t. over which one has no control. Purdiyus, ngánu gud nga mau niy gidangátan ku, Heavens! Why, of all things, did this have to happen to me! a making things di? cult, giving s. o. a hard time. Purdiyus kaáyu nang tigulángang hangyúag kwarta, That old man gives you a hard time if you ask him for money. v {1} [A13; a12] give s. o. a hard time. Gipurdiyus ku nímu pagpangítà nímu, You gave me a hard time looking for you. {2} [A13] have a hard time doing s.t. Magpurdiyus giyud tang maghungit íning batáa kay magdagandágang pakan-un, Its an ordeal to feed this child because he runs about when youre trying to feed him. Culu-() v [A1; b6] make an honest appeal, plead. Nagpulupurdíyus ang inahan sa bitayun ngadtu sa prisidinti, The mother of the condemned man pleaded to the president for her sons life. ipursantu exclamation over s.t. over-whelmingly surprising or causing intense discomfiture. Purdiyus ipursantu, ngánung gibúhat mu man tu? For Gods sake, why did you do that?