PUTUL is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
putul v {1} [A; a1] sever with a bladed instrument or by snap-ping. Dì makaputul ang ákung ngípun sa hílu, My teeth cant break the thread. Putlag kaduha arun matulu ka pútù, Cut it twice to make three pieces. {1a} [A; a12] cut down. Kinsay nagputul sa mangga? Who cut the mango tree down? {1b} [A; b7] cut s.t. out of s.t. Ákung giputlan ang pálu kay taas ra, I cut a length from the mast because it was too long. {1c} [A; a] cut s.t. out of s.t. Giputul sa sinsur ang mga báhing law-ay, The censors cut out the lewd parts. {2} [A; a2] break a connection. Giputlan mig sugà, Our electricity was cut o? . {3} [A12; a] cut s.t. short. Naputul ang ámung isturya pag-abut sa mga bisíta, Our conversation was cut short by the arrival of the visitors. {3a} [A12; a1] put an end to s.t. Putlun ku ang ímung ngil-ad nga batásan, Ill put a stop to your bad manners. a {1} s.t. cut o? from s.t. or s.t. which had s.t. cut o? of it. Putul ug íkug ang irù, The dog has a stubbed tail. {2} the other one of two things which had been cut from one piece. Háin man ang putul ári? Where is the other piece of this stick that had been cut in two? sa adlaw half a day. sa píkas a quarter. {3} s.t. said in cutting in. () v [C; c16] divide s.t. into, between two. Mag-pútul ta ánang isdà, Let us divide that fish between us. n ug tinái sibling. Pútul mu ug tinái, búsà ayaw mu pag-áway, You are sisters, so dont quarrel. putulputul v [A; a] cut into small pieces. putulpútul v [B16] be intermittently discontinuous. a intermittent, discontinuous. Putulpútul man tung salída nga sikan ran, The second-run movie kept being interrupted. ig-() ug tinái n relative. Igpútul ku siya ug tinái, She is my relative. ka-, ka-() n the other half of a piece cut o? .