SABAD is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
sabad a restless, unsteady, always moving. Sabad kaáyu ang tabánug, The kite was very unsteady. n propeller, blade of a fan, windmill. v {1} [B] be, become annoyingly restless, unsteady. Musabad ang mga bábuy ug gutúmun, Pigs get restless when they are hungry. {2} [A13; a12] attach, make into a propeller or fan, windmill blade. {3} [A; c1] whiz closely by, moving fast. Wà gánì makasabad sa íyang gipusil ang bála, The bullet did not even go near the target. {4} [A; c1] go near s.t. for a purpose. Gisabaran níya kanúnay ang asáwa nga nagsugal, He kept hanging around his wife who was gambling. Isabad (sabara) ang bátà kun túa ba sa iskuylahan, Go by the school for a moment and see if the child is there.