SAKLIT is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
sáklit - To bind together, fasten with a rope one end of which is provided with a hook; to snatch, take with a swift movement, do something quickly or in passing; to do something on the sly or stealthily, sneak away or off, take secretly. Saklití ang humáy nga ginálab kag dálha dirí, kay tumpihón náton. Tie the rice that has been cut and carry it over here, for we are going to stack it. Nagsáklit siá dídto sing diótay nga tión. He stopped there for a moment in passing. Saklitá ang isá ka papél dirâ sa lamésa. Take a piece of paper from the table there. Saklití akó sing isá ka pliégo sa mga papél nga dirâ sa aparadór. Get me a sheet of writing paper from the paper in the cupboard. Nagsáklit siá sing ápat ka sentimós sa sagúlì sang ákon kwárta. He took secretly four centavos from the change given me.