SAKRIPISYU is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
sakripisyu a requiring an extraordinary expenditure of time, ef-fort, or money. Sakripisyu kaáyu nákù ning ákung pag-iskuyla kay magtrabáhu pud ku, It is a great e? ort for me to study be-cause I must also work. n sacrifices made. sa mísa Sacrifice of the Holy Mass. v {1} [A; c] expend unusual e? ort or money or deprive oneself for some end. Magsakripisyu úsà kami arun sa ngadtungadtu makapalit mig balay, Well sacrifice ourselves so we can eventually buy a house. Unsay dílì nákù isakripisyu pára nímu, What wouldnt I sacrifice for you? {2} [a12] put s. o. to an extraordinary expenditure. Ngánung sakripisyúhun man ku nímu ug paadtu ug dílì nà impurtanti? Why do you make me go there to no purpose if that is not important? {3} [A13; c1] sacri-fice ones principles. Sakripisyúhun (isakripisyu) man nímu ang ímung kadunggánan sa pagkúyug ánang mga tawhána? Why do you sacrifice your honor so you can go around with those peo-ple? {4} [A13; c] sacrifice s.t. for a future advantage. Isakrip-isyu ku ning túri arun mabábuy ang rayna, Ill sacrifice my rook to checkmate your queen. {5} [A13; c1] mortify ones body. Magsakripisyu ang mga madri sa ílang láwas pinaági sa búnal inigka Byirnis Santu, The nuns mortify their bodies on Good Friday by lashing themselves.