SANTA is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
santa n {1} exclamation: short for Santa Maríya (see 3b). {2} title for female saints. Santa Katalína, Saint Catherine. {3} in phrases: búla the Papal Bull granting special indulgence to Spain and her colonies. iglisya the Holy Church. Kláwus Santa Claus. krus {a} the Cross. {b} Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, celebrated in the Philippines in May, a novena cul-minated with feasting and merry-making. v [A1] o? er a devotion to the Holy Cross. Krúsan n the celebration of the Holy Cross as practiced in Luzon with a Rayna Ilína. lána {a} holy oil. {b} extreme unction. Maríya {a} Holy Mary. {b} exclama-tion of sudden surprise or worried fear. Santa Maríya, mahúlug ang bátà, Christ! The child is going to fall! santíta see santíta. simána The Holy Week preceding Easter. sína communion given by Protestants as part of their church service (as opposed to the Catholic communionkaláwat or kumulga). v [A] {1} administer communion. {2} take communion.