SAWAY is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
saway v {1} [AN; a1c] speak disparagingly about s.t. , mention bad qualities of s.t. Kadtung magsaway áning panaptúna dílì swítu sa panaptun, Whoever speaks disparagingly of this cloth doesnt know anything about cloth. Walà kuy ikasaway (ika-panaway) sa íyang panglíhuk, I have nothing to criticize about his deportment. {2} [A12] disapprove, consider s.t. improper. Nakasaway ku sa íyang gisulti sa íyang diskursu, I think its im-proper what he said in his speech. hiN-v [B1256; b4(1)] disap-prove, consider s.t. as improper. Unsa may nahinawayan nímu níya? What do you disapprove of in him? -l-un() a worthy of condemnation. Ang paglibak usa ka búhat nga salawáyun, Speaking ill of others is a contemptible act. v [B1256] become contemptible. hiN-un() a fond of criticizing or disparaging. v [B1256] be given to criticizing.