SAYLU is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
saylu v {1} [A2C3; c] pass, bring by beyond s.w. , pass s. o. by. Musaylu ka man lang, mu rag dì ta kaíla, You just pass me by as if we didnt know each other. Musaylu ning karsadáha sa Talísay? Does this road go beyond Talisay? Atras. Nasayluan nátù ang ámù, Back up. We passed by our house. Isaylu lang ku sa unáhan sa taytáyan, Just drop me a little way beyond the bridge. {2} [A2; c6] do s.t. beyond a certain point in space and time. Ug musaylu sa alas utsu ímung pagpaúlì, dílì ka ablíhan sa pultahan, If you come home after eight oclock, they wont open the door for you. {3} [A1; b(1)] omit, leave s.t. out. Ayawg saylui ang rúsas ug magtubig ka sa mga tanum, When you wa-ter the plants, dont forget the rosebush. a farther up, beyond, or into. Ang íla saylu pa kaáyu sa ámù, Their place is way be-yond my place. saylusaylu v {1} [A3C] pass s.w. or each other repeatedly. Musaylusaylu ka man lag ági sa balay. Dì ka man giyung kahapit, You just keep going by our house, but you never drop in. Nagsaylusaylu ang mga trák, The buses kept passing each other. {2} [c1] overlap each other in alternating motion. Saylusaylúa (isaylusaylu) ang mga tiil igsáyaw nímu, When you dance make your left go over your right and then your right over your left. {3} [b] bypass. Gisaylusaylúan lang ang ákung mga papílis kay wà man ku muhátag ug bigay, My papers were just bypassed, because I didnt give any grease money. pa- v [A; a12] forgive, pardon. Ang prisidinti nagpasaylu ug dúsi ka bini-langgù karung Pasku, The president pardoned twelve prisoners this Christmas. n forgiveness. mapa-un a forgiving.