SIAW is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
siaw a {1} mischievous, given to doing irresponsible but harm-less fun. Siaw kaáyu ning batáa kay íyang gihuktan ug písì ang íkug sa irù, This child is very mischievous because he tied a rope to the dogs tail. {2} misbehaving. Siaw batáa, way disiplína, A misbehaving, undisciplined child. sa babáyi philandering. v [B123; b6] be, become mischievous, misbehaving. () v {1} [A23] get worse; grow more [adj. ]. Ug pahilúmun siya, musíaw siya hinúun, If he is told to keep quiet, he gets noisier instead. {1a} be, become worse, more intense. Misíaw ang ilagà sa Mindanaw, The rats are getting worse and worse in Mindanao. {2} [A13; b6] joke, play a prank on. Nagsíaw ka tingáli kay láin ang nutisya nga ákung nadunggan, You must be joking because I heard a di? erent story. pa- v [A1] engage in mischief. Ug magpasíaw ka, mabanhà ang klási, If you are mischievous, the class will be noisy. ma-un a characterized with jocularity.