SUBU is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
subu v {1} [B23(1)46; b8] for s.t. boiling to overflow. Ukbi ang kardíru kay misubu ang inínit, Take the cover o? of the pot because water is overflowing. {2} [A; b] douse water onto live embers. Subhi ang bága úsà ta manglákaw, Pour water on the embers before you leave. {3} [A; b(1)] temper, harden iron or steel by heating it and then immersing it in oil or water. {4} [A; b(1)] initiate a series of activities or wear s.t. for the first time. Ang prisidinti mauy musubu sa bayli, The president will start the dance. Siyay nakasubu ug sakay sa ayruplánu, He rode the inaugural flight of the airplane. n temper of metal. walay in-experienced. Ayawg patugatuga ug pangulitáwung Maríya kay wà kay subu, Dont try to court Mary because you are inexperi-enced.