SUHUT is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
súhut v {1} [A; a12] go into or pass through a place, esp. with tall trees or grasses. Pagbantay sa limátuk ug musúhut mu sa lasang, Watch out for leeches when you go through the forest. {2} [A2; b6] enter a trap under water. Gisuhútan ang búbù ug pawíkan, The fish trap caught a sea turtle. n catch from a fish trap. kusug, walay (ang báling) having a brisk (slow) business (lit. having lots of [no] catch in the net). Nagmíngaw ílang tindáhan. Way súhut ang báling, Their store is deserted. Business is slow. Kusug kaáyu ang súhut. Nagkapulíkì siyag atindir sa íyang kustumir, Business is good. She is very busy attending her customers. () bágun n {1} s. o. whose origin is not known. {2} vagabond, one who just roams about and does nothing. v [B1] be, become an idle wanderer. Nagsuhut bá-gun nang tawhána kay tapulan man mangítag trabáhu, That man became a vagabond because hes too lazy to look for work. suhutsúhut v [A2N; b(1)] for odors to di? use, be present in a dif-fuse way. Alimyun sa búlak nga musuhutsúhut (manuhutsúhut) sa huyúhuy, The fragrance of flowers di? used by the breeze. Karning may tambuk nga nanuhutsúhut sa unud, Meat with fat running throughout it. paN- n muscular ache resulting from exposure to damp or draft, esp. during sleep. v [A23P; b5] get muscle ache. Lagmit makapanúhut ang pagkatúlug nga dílì maghábul, Sleeping without a blanket can cause muscle ache.