SUKUT is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
sukut v {1} [A; a12] ask a question regarding s.t. specific. Misukut ang maistra, The teacher asked. Suktun ku siya báhin sa ímung hangyù, I will ask him regarding your request. {2} [AN; b5] ask to collect payment. Akuy musukut (manukut) sa íyang útang, Ill ask him to pay me his debt. {3} [A; c] ask a certain price. Gisuktan kug mahal sa tindíra, The salesgirl charged me a very high price. {4} [A; b5] challenge to a fight. Gisuktan aku níyag áway, He challenged me to a fight. sukut-sukut v [A; a12] make inquiries in great detail. Dinhay mga imbistigadur nga misukutsukut báhin sa buhis, There were in-vestigators that made inquiries regarding the taxes. maN-r- n bill collector. masuktánun a questioning.