SULTI is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
sulti v {1} [A1; c] tell, speak. Way láin nga makagsulti báhin níya kun dílì ang amahan, No one can say that about him but the father. Sultían ku pa siya ug musugut ba, I still have to tell him to see if he would agree. Ayaw nag isulti níya! Dont tell him that! {1a} [C; abc3] talk s.t. over together. Dúnay makigsulti nímu sa tilipunu, S. o. wants to talk to you on the telephone. Sultíun (sultíhun) nátù ni. Dì ta mistil maglális, Lets talk this out. We dont have to fight. Gipanagsultíhan pa námù ang nahitabù, We are still discussing the events. Gipakig-sultíhan mu na ba siya? Have you gone to see him to talk it over? Gikasulti ku na si Pápa, Ive already talked it over with Dad. {2} [A2] utter s.t. , speak. Makasulti na ang ákung anak, My daughter knows how to talk. {3} [A23] deliver a speech. Maáyu musulti tung kandidatúha, That candidate speaks quite well. n {1} word of caution or advice. Usa ka sulti hustu na, One word is enough. {2} thing said as news, gossip. Unsa man nang sulti nga nabátì ku nga wà ka na mutunghà? What is that talk I hear that you are not attending classes? {3} speech or talk delivered. Daghang nakasaway sa ímung sulti, A lot of people criticized your speech. sultisulti v [A13; b6] chat, converse. Nag-sultisulti mi báhin sa ámung gradwisyun nga umaábut, We are conversing about our forthcoming graduation. n gossip, rumor. Mga sultisulti nà nga dílì katuhúan kay gíkan sa mga tabian, That is gossip not worth believing because it originates from the gossipmongers. paN-v [A23] {1} circulate gossip or news. Ikaw may nanulti ánang tabía, You were the one who spread that gossip. {2} speak in a certain way. Sakit kaáyu siya nga manulti, He speaks in a very hurting way. sultiánay, sultihánay v [C; c3] have a conversation. n conversation.