SUMBALIK is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
sumbalik (from bálik) v {1} [A2; ac] bounce back on, boomerang. Misumbalik kaníya ang batung íyang gilábay, The stone he threw bounced back at him. Ayaw ug bugtawg irung búang kay sum-balikun ka, Dont chase a mad dog because he will turn back on you. Kanang ímung pangutána ákung isumbalik ug pangutána nímu, Im going to turn around and ask you the same thing you asked me. {2} [B26] turn out to be the exact opposite. n the exact opposite. Ang íyang nawung sumbalik sa linawas kay sa laráwan, In real life his face is the exact opposite of what it is in the picture. dasdas n counterattack. v [A; a1] counterattack. Gisumbalik dasdas sa mga Aliman ang atáki sa mga Rúsu, The Germans counterattacked the Russians.