SUNGAG is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
sungag v {1} [A; a1] horn, strike or butt with the horn. Sunga-gun ka ánang kanding ug mudúul ka, That goat will butt you if you go near it. {1a} [C; ac3] for animals to fight with their horns. Nagkasúngag ang duha ka kábaw, The two carabaos are goring each other. {2} [A; ac3] ram against s. o. with the head. Napáwul ang usang buksidur kay misungag sa kuntra, One of the boxers was penalized because he butted his opponent. {2a} [A; a1] bulldoze s.t. Sungagun sa buldúsir ang pangpang human dinamitáha, After they dynamite the cli? , they will bulldoze it. {3} [AN; a12] hit the jaw with the fist. Makasungag giyud ku run ug magbinúang ka, Ill hit you in the jaw if you do any-thing foolish. {4} [A; a12] go against the wind or current. Ug musungag ta sa hángin, dúgay ta muabut, If we go against the wind, it will take us a long time to arrive. {5} [A12; a12] plane against the grain in wood. Dì ka makasungag ug sipilya kay dílì hámis ang ági, You cannot plane against the grain because it wont come out smooth. () n fight between horned animals.