SURUSURU is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
surusúru n k. o. spiny shrub with fleshy tongue-shaped leaves of strong astringent e? ect, the young leaves of which are used to spice paklay: Euphorbia neriifolia. súruy v {1} [A2; ac] go about, stroll. Diin ka musúruy gabíi? Where did you go to last night? Isúruy ang bátà sa parki, Take the child for a stroll in the park. {1a} ika- presentable (lit. can be worn for strolling). Dílì ku mauwaw sa ákung uyab kay ikasúruy man pud, I am not ashamed to be seen with my girl friend because she is pretty. {2} [A; c1] bring s.t. around. Nagsúruy siyag isdà, She peddles fish. Isúruy ang mga ilimnun sa mga bisíta, Bring the drinks around to the visitors. libud a given to wandering about with no useful purpose. v [B1] become a vagabond. () bagduy = libud súruy. suruysúruy v [A13; b6] {1} promenade, take a pleasure stroll. Magsuruysúruy ta sa baybáyun, Lets take a walk by the beach. {2} roam about uselessly. Nagpúnay lang siyag suruysuruy ug way nahímù, All he ever did was roam about and never accomplished anything. sinurúyan n {1} s.t. gained as a result of going about. {2} a womans child born out of wedlock (lit. s.t. obtained as a result of reckless wandering). {2a} ones eldest child (humorous). maN-r-() n peddler.