TAGAW is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
tagaw v {1} [A; ac] wander, roam. Nakatagaw na siya sa íyang mga saup, He has already made the rounds of his tenants. {2} [B; c6] deviate from, go separately. Sa pag-ikskursiyun námù mitagaw silang duha, During our excursion the two of them got separated from us. Mangulitáwu gánì nà siya, itagaw ang sulti, If he begins talking about love, change the subject. {3} [B] be boorish, ignorant in ones ways. Makatagaw man diay ning subra ra sa paghigpit, I found out that being too strict with a child makes him develop into a shy, socially poor sort. {4} [A; b3c] talk, speak out loudly. Mitagaw siya sa mikrupunu, He spoke loud over the microphone. a ignorant and boorish. Giinum sa tagaw nga dakù ang patis, ábi níyag kukakúla, The oaf drank the soy sauce thinking it was coca-cola. n vagabond, wanderer. Dì ku mamánag tagaw, I wont marry a vagabond. () v [B; a] be in confusion. Mutágaw (matágaw) ang panagsulti ug muintra na siya, If he takes part, the conversation will get utterly confused. Tagáwun ku ang ílang panimuyù, Ill cause confusion in their home. la- see latagaw.