TAGBAK is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
tagbak n k. o. herbaceous plant of cool, damp places, with lanceolate leaves, similar to banana, growing to 1 1/22 meters: Kolowratia elegans. tagbaw v [AP1B16; a12] {1} satisfy to the point of satiety. Didtu siya sa Rílis, nagtagbaw (nagpatagbaw) sa kaugalíngun, He was in the red light district, satisfying his sexual needs. Manggáwas ta kay natagbaw na kug tíbi, Lets go out. Ive had enough TV. {2} get enough of s.t. to make one tired of it. Ang nawung ni Imilda dílì makatagbaw, One cant get tired of looking at Imeldas face. ka- n state of being satisfied, having had enough. ka-an n {1} satisfaction at s.t. done. Pagsirbisyu nga makahá-tag dakung katagbáwan, Service that can give great satisfac-tion. {2} = ka-un(). ka-un() n satisfaction reached. Way katag-bawung bayhána, An insatiable woman.