TAGU is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
tágù a hidden from view. Tágù kaáyu ílang balay gíkan sa karsáda, Their house is well hidden from view from the road. sa in secret. Nahigugma siya nímu sa tágù, She loves you in se-cret. v {1} [B1256] be hidden from view. {2} [AB3; b5c2] hide, keep away from view or knowledge. Didtu siya mutágù luyu sa kamálig, He hid behind the barn. Makatágù ka bag sikrítu? Can you keep a secret? Walà ku tagúa (tagúi, itágù) ang sulat, I did not hide the letter. {3} [A; b5c2] put away in a safe place for future use. Nagtágù ka ug sud-an pára ugmà? Did you put away some food for tomorrow? tagùtagù v [A] hide away in fear, do in secret. Nagtagùtagù silag panagtagbù kay minyù man ang babáyi, They have their meetings secretly because the woman is married. tagùtágù, tagùtaguay n game of hide-and-seek. v [A; b6] play hide-and-seek. -anan n hiding place; hideout. -in-n s.t. hidden. Kristung -in- a religious sect, the ceremonies of which are strictly private. -in-an n {1} secret. Nasáyud na ku sa ímung tinagúan, I know your secret. {2} s.t. kept from be-ing lost or used up. Gastúha na lang ang ímung tinagúan, Just spend your savings. ma-in-un a secretive. ka-un() a feel very much like hiding oneself. -um-r-, -um-l- n be about to hide.