TAPUT is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
taput v {1} [AC3; b] stick, be firmly attached to s.t. Mi-taput giyud ang buling sa sinínà, The dirt sure stuck to the clothes. Nagtáput ang láwas sa sayamis tuwins, The bodies of the Siamese twins are stuck to each other. Gitaptan ug sisi ang gapnud, Small oysters were attached to the driftwood. {2} [A2; b] for a disease to infect s. o. Dì makataput ang sakit sa himsug nga láwas, Disease cannot infect a healthy body. {3} [A2; b6] remain very close and loyal to s. o. Mutaput siya nímu kun ímu siyang makúhà, She will stick to you once you have had her. {4} [b4] be somewhat a? ected by an unpleasant feeling. Gitaptan siyag kalísang, Fear came over him. a {1} tight-fitting clothes. Taput kaáyu sa láwas ang sinínà ni Marilin, Marilyn has a very tight-fitting dress on. {2} sticking to the spot as if stuck. Kas-ing taput, A top that whirls without wobbling. láwas see láwas. sa pamilya one who has become a member of a family through marriage. Wà kay lábut sa panunud kay taput lang kas mga Ríyis, You do not get an inheritance because you are related to the Reyeses only by marriage. pa- n thin tissue paper used to make lanterns or kites. taptanan n joist in a roof to which the galvanized iron sheets are attached.