TARUNG is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
tárung a {1} straight, not curved. Tárung nga dálan, Straight path. {2} straight, not tilting or slanting. v {1} [A; a1] set upright or level s.t. slanting or tilting. Tarúnga nang pusting naghirig, Straighten up that leaning post. {2} [A; a12] do s.t. seriously and properly, not playfully or improperly. Káun ug tárung, Eat properly. {3} [B6] be reformed. Nagtárung (nag-tarung) na siya gíkang giparul, He has reformed since he was paroled. {4} [B456] behave well. Magtárung ka kun dúnay bisíta, Behave when we have visitors. {5} [A; c1] do, put in a proper position. Ug mutárung tag higdà, masulud tang tanan dinhi sa sála, If we arrange ourselves properly we can all sleep in the living room. () a {1} right and proper. Wà kay mabúhat nga tarung kun matarantr ka, You wont do anything right if you panic. {2} sane, not crazy. Tarung pa ba nang táwung síging tagawtaw, Could you call s. o. who keeps talking non-sense to himself sane? tarungtarung a quite presentable. Usa ra ka parisan ang ákung sapátus nga tarungtarung, I have only one pair of shoes that is presentable. ka- n right, justice. Ang katárung mudaug giyud sa dautan, Right triumphs over wrong. ka-an n {1} reason. Matag búhat dúna giyuy katarúngan, Every action must have a reason. {2} justice. Labánan ang katarún-gan, Defend justice. láwas ug ka-an see láwas. v [c6] give as a reason. Milális giyud siya bisag way ikatarúngan, He argued even if he had no argument to make. panga-an v [A2; c6] give an explanation or defense, justify oneself. Pangatarúngan kun hustu ka, Explain yourself when youre right. n argument given in defense, explanation for justification. maka-anun a {1} rea-sonable. Makatarungánun ang íyang hangyù, Her request is reasonable. {2} just, fair. Makatarungánun ang Diyus, God is just. ma-a righteous. Wà siyay diyus, apan matárung siya, He knows no God, but he is righteous. mina-() a in a righteous way.