TINDUG is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
tindug v {1} [APB346; c1] stand, cause s.t. to stand. Kin-say nagtindug (nagpatindug) sa pusti, Who set the post up? Nagtindug ang ubang pasahíru, Some of the passengers were standing. Tindúga (itindug, ipatindug) ang butilyang natumba, Set the bottle that toppled back up. {2} [A; b6] act as a wed-ding sponsor. Mayur ang mitindug sa ílang kasal, The mayor acted as their wedding sponsor. {3} [A2; b] stand on, back up ones word, idea, etc. Tindúgi giyud nang ímung pasángil, Be sure to back up your charges. {3a} take responsibility for s. o. s expenses for him. Akuy mutindug sa ímung matrikula, I will take care of your school obligations. n {1} height (said of liv-ing beings and objects). {2} a bride-to-bes wedding ensemble, everything she wears on her person during the wedding cere-mony. Namalit na ang mga ginikánan ni Idyun ug tindug álang sa íyang pangasaw-unun, Edions parents have bought his brides wedding ensemble. pa- v [A; ac1] construct a building. Íning sapía makapatindug na tag balay, With this money we can now construct a house. n stake set under beams to add support when there is a considerable distance between the supporting posts. hi-ha-, hipa-hapa- v [B1256] stand up involuntarily. Nahatindug (nahapatindug) ku sa kakurat, I stood up in shocked surprise. -in-an n wedding ensemble, including the accessories. -um-, - um-r- n original inhabitants, natives. Talagsa ray tumitindug (tumindug) sa syudad, There are few people originally from the city. -un() n the family, relatives, and friends of the groom. They serve the bride and her family (lingkurun) at the wedding festivities. Kita kay tindugun, átù ang tanang trabáhu unyà sa adlaw sa kasal, We are in the grooms party so we have to do the work at the wedding party. tinduk n k. o. cooking banana, a foot or more long, somewhat curved and about as big as a mans arm: Musa paradisiaca var. magna.