TIPAK is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
tipak v {1} [A; ab7] break, chip a piece from. Natipak ang bàbà sa kupíta, The rim of the goblet is chipped. Ayawg tipki ni kay gamay na lang, Dont break anything o? of this piece. Its already small as it is. {2} [A; b7] take away from ones money, time, etc. Mutipak kug tirsiyu sa swildu pára sa buhis, I chip in one-third of my salary for taxes. Tipki kug diyútay sa ímung panahun, Spare me a little of your time. {3} [AB12; a1] crack. Kinsay nakatipak sa tibud? Who cracked the jar? Nagkatipak ang sag-ub nga pirming nabulad, The bamboo bucket is getting cracked because it is constantly left in the sun. Ayawg tipka nang básu, Dont crack the glass. {4} [A; a3] get a profit from s.t. Dakù kug natipak sa gúmang ákung gibaligyà, I made a lot from the tires I resold. n {1} piece broken from s.t. {2} s.t. taken, deducted from.