TUBIG is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
túbig - Water, watery liquid; to be or become watery, to melt, dissolve, liquefy (of salt, sugar, ice, etc.); to water, irrigate, mix with—, add—, put in—, water. Túbig nga ilímnon. Drinking water. Nagtúbig na ang tanán nga yélo. All the ice—is gone,— has melted. Amligí gid ang asín, agúd índì magtúbig sa tingúlan. Take good care of the salt or it will dissolve (liquefy) during) the rainy season. Tubígi ang kólon. Put some water in the rice-kettle. Pamulákan nga tinubigan. An irrigated garden. Pinatubígan ang íya talámnan. He irrigated his rice land. Gintubígan ko ang sópas, kay támà kaínit. I added some water to the soup, because it was so hot. (cf. tinubígan tinubigán, tubígtúbig, búnyag, túnaw).