TUBUS is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
tubus v {1} [A; a1] redeem, save from. Ang ímung bahandì dì makatubus sa mahúgaw mung ngalan, Your wealth cannot re-deem your filthy name. Gitubus sila ni Muysis gíkan sa kaulip-nan, They were saved from slavery by Moses. {2} [A; a2b2] in games where several people play in turns, take a players turn for him to keep him from losing his turn (e. g. when a player is in a di? cult position, for s. o. better to play for him for that one move). {2a} take s. o. elses place in his absence or in the event of his inability. Akuy mutubus ug káun sa ímung báhin kay dì ka man muadtu, Ill eat your share because you arent going. Dì ku makatubus sa ímung trabáhu kay mulakaw man ku, I cant take your work over for you because Im going out. katubsánan n redemption. maN-r-() n redeemer; Christ the Redeemer.