TUGUT is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
túgut - Permission, permit, license, leave, sanction, authorization, dispensation, concession; to permit, give permission, allow, concede, let, license, sanction, authorize, give leave to, grant license to. Itúgut mo sa íya inâ. Tugúti (Túgti) siá túgpay – tuíp sinâ. Allow him to do it. Give him permission for doing it. Ginadilían ang pagsulúd dirí sang (sing) waláy túgut. No admittance without permission. Indì ko pagitúgut inâ. I shall not allow it. I shall make no such concession. Walâ níya kamí pagtugúti (pagtúgti) sa pagtámbong sa síni. He did not give us leave to go to the moving pictures (movies). Kon magtúgut ka sinâ——. If you allow such a thing——. (cf. pahanúgut, sugút, tándò, hángdò).