TUIG is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
túig n year. v [B56; b4] be almost, last for a year. Mutúig nákung pinaábut nímu, I waited for you for almost a year. Nagtúig ang ámung pagbúngul, Its been one year now that we havent been on speaking terms. Dì na matuígan ang ímung kin-abúhì, Your life wont last for another year. tuigtúig a every year; yearly. v [B; c16] be, become yearly, do s.t. on a yearly basis. -in-() annual. Tinuig nga tígum, Annual meeting. ka-an n {1} years. Nanglábay ang daghang katuígan, Many years passed. {2} Easter obligation, the obligation of every Roman Catholic to go to confession and Holy Communion once a year on a definite period specified by the churchthat is, in the period between Easter Sunday and November 2, All Souls Day. paN-() n {1} first planting season in the calendar year (during June and July); crops planted during this season. Aníhun sa Disyimbri ang humay sa panuig, The first crop of rice is harvested in De-cember. {2} extraordinarily big. Panuig man pud nang librúha, dílì man madaug ug bátà, That sure is a big book. A child couldnt lift it. paN-un n age. may {1} be old enough to do s.t. May panuígun na si Lítang muiskuyla, Lita is old enough now to go to school. {2} be no longer young. May panuígun na siya pagkaminyù, She was well along in years when she got married. paN-un() v [A13] be of [such-and-such] an age. Nagpanuigun siyag diyis, He is ten years old.