TULIN is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
túlin v [A2; b6] {1} move forward. Pagbulhut sa hángin mitúlin ang sakayan, When the wind blew, the boat moved forward. {2} cover a certain distance. Mutúlin ang dálan ug kilumitru úsà mulikù sa tuu, The road will go on for a kilometer before it turns to the right. Pila may tulínan sa usa ka baril nga aspaltu? How far can a barrel of asphalt go? {2a} accomplish a certain amount. Dí ta mutúlin ug kanúnay kag sámuk, I wont accom-plish anything if you keep making a nuisance of yourself. {2b} [A2] expand, take space in the direction of. Ámù nang yútà ang gitulínan sa gihímung karsáda, The road they made has en-croached on our land. {3} [B2; b6] become fast, swift. Mutúlin (matúlin) ang pambut kun habwáag karga, The motorboat will move fast if we take the cargo o? . n {1} accomplishment, dis-tance covered. Gamay ra siyag túlin kay naglangaylángay man, He made little progress because he was just loafing. {2} speed, forward motion. Hínay ang túlin sa bangkà kun way hángin, The sailboats speed is slow if there is no wind. a fast and swift. Túlin nga nanglábay ang katuígan, The years passed swiftly. pa- v [A; b(1)] {1} extend measurements in constructing s.t. Ug padak-an ang balay, adtu patulíni sa luyu, If you enlarge the house, extend the construction to the rear. {2} increase the speed of s.t. moving forward. Magpatúlin ta arun sayu tang maabut, Lets increase our speed, so we arrive early.