TUMAN is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
túman v [A; a12] {1} obey. Matag lungsuránun kinahanglang mutúman sa baláud, Each citizen must obey the law. {2} fulfill, realize. Natúman ra ang íyang tingúhang maabugádu, His am-bition to become a lawyer has finally been realized. {3} [A13] stubbornly have ones own way. Náa ra nímu ug magtúman ka, Its up to you if you insist on your own way. {4} [b(1)P] in-dulge, or permit s. o. his way. Tumáni (patumáni) lang ang bátà arun way gubut, Just indulge the child so there wont be any trouble. tulumanun n {1} obligation to be carried out. {2} program. Tulumanun sa administrasiyun, The program of the administration. Tulumanun sa radiyu, Radio program. ma-in-un a obedient. ma-in-un sa gustu stubbornly wanting ones own way. ka-an n realization, fulfillment. Ang katumánan sa damgu, The realization of a dream. ka-un() n fulfillment reached. Walay katumanun sa ímung tingúhà, There is no hope of fulfilling your dreams. pinaan n one who is granted his way. Bátang pina-tumánan, A spoiled child.