TUMAN is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
túman - Enough, sufficient, satisfactory, considerable; very, rather much, rather many. Túman na. That’s enough. That’ll do! That’ll serve! That is sufficient. Dílì pa túman——kóndì nga——. It is not yet sufficient that——, but——. Túman kadámù nga mga táo ang nagtalámbong. Very many people assisted. A good crowd of people were present. Túman na balá ang túbig ukón dugángan ko pa? Is that water enough (Is there a sufficient amount of water now) or shall I add more yet? (cf. ígò, ángay, bágay, hústo, bastánte; támà, lakás, dúro, lám-ag, súkò). túman, To obey, fulfill, carry out, execute, perform, comply with, effect, achieve, accomplish. Walâ níya pagtumána ang sinógò ko sa íya. He did not comply with the order I gave him. Magtúman ka kon sogóon ikáw. Do what you are told. Obey when you are ordered. Gintúman gid níya ang íya tinúg-an sádto. He actually accomplished what he had promised to do. Buút níla ipatúman sa áton yanáng mabúg-at ngga mga tulumanón. They want us to carry out those difficult orders. (cf. búhat, hímò, dayón, tarús; páti which in (B) often has the meaning of: to obey).