U is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
u {1} particle initial in the sentence: exclamation of surprise upon finding out s.t. {1a} expressing annoyed surprise. U, ngánung kúlang man ning suklì! Hey, this isnt enough change! U, ngánung mipaúlì ka pa man! What are you doing back here! U, ngánung wà man siya mukúyug! Why? How come shes not with you? U, mudílì ka na hinúun nga náa gitúnul na? You mean you are going to refuse it when you already have it in your hand? {1b} expressing pleasant surprise. U, Ting! Nía man diay ka! Hey, Ting. Youre here! {1c} exclaiming surprise at having made a mistake: Oh! U, singku písus ba diay tu ímung gihátag nákù? Oh! Was it five pesos you gave me? {2} exclamation preceding an emphatic denial. U dílì, dílì nà mahímù, Oh no, that cant be done. {2a} preceding a statement that s.t. is not the way the interlocutor thought. U, sayun ra nang lutúun. Lat-i lang, Oh, thats easy to cook. Just boil it. {3} pause before speaking. U, ári diri nà ibutang, Oh, just put that over here. {4} (most often at the end of the clause) particle to draw s. o. s attention. U, Dyú, dalì ra kadiyut, Oh, Joe, would you come here a second. Ambi ra nang lápis u, Would you hand me that pencil, that one over there. Díay písus u. Patupi didtu, Here, heres a peso. Go get a haircut.