UBUS is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
ubus n {1} beneath. Ubus sa káhuy may táwu nga naglingkud, Beneath the tree there sat a man. {1a} the lower part of body. {1b} lowlands, usually coastal areas. {2} under, subjected to. Ubus sa íyang pagdumála, Under his management. Magminyù aku nímu ubus sa usa ka kundisiyun, Ill marry you under one condition. a {1} low, not high in price or degree. Ubus kaáyu nang prisyúha, That price was very low. {2} low, not high in elevation. Itaas ang kutay kay ubus ra kaáyu, Put the strand up higher because it is too low. {2a} for the womb of a pregnant woman to be low. {3} low of station or of social rank. balaurá-nan, pamalauránan Lower House. {4} arrive s.w. later than s. o. else. Ubus ka nákug singku minútus, You arrived five minutes later than I did. v {1} [B2; b7Pc] decrease, go down. Ug muubus ang ímung grádu, If your grades go down. Ubsi (paubsi) ang ímung tunung, tingáli buls-ay, Lower your aim. You might make a bulls-eye. {2} [APB; cP] be lower in elevation or placement. Miubus ang sawug kay mius-us ang panawganan, The floor sunk because the joists sunk. Miubus na ang íyang tiyan. Hapit na manganak, Her baby has descended. She is about ready to have it. pa- v {1} [A; b(1)] travel, fly low. Ang banug talagsa ra nga magpaubus, Hawks seldom fly low. {2} [A3] go to live in coastal areas. {3} [A13] be humble. Magpaubus ta kay mabà ra ta ug ranggu, We should be humble because we are of low rank. {4} [A; b7c] lower ones voice. Mipaubus siya sa íyang tíngug, hadluk hidunggan, He lowered his voice, afraid of being heard. {5} [A1; c2] reduce an amount. Paubsan (ipaubus) sa prisid-inti ang sílut, The president will reduce the penalty. {6} [A; a1c] put down, lower. Ug mupaubus siya sa íyang pusil ayaw ug tirúhi, If he lowers his gun, dont shoot him. Ipaubus ang inyung bangkaw. Way kásu, Lower your spears. Theres noth-ing wrong. hi- v [B126; b3(1)] be o? ended, hurt. Nahiubus ku sa íyang sulti, I was hurt by what he said. ka- n condition or state of being inferior or low in rank. kahi- n hurt feelings. ma-paubsánun, mapahiubsánun, mapinaubsánun, mapainubsánun a humble. taga- n people residing in the coastal areas.