UGA is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
uga a {1} dry, having no moisture. Uga na kaáyu ang kupras, The copra is very dry now. Ugang ubu, A dry (hard) cough. {2} lifeless, dry in personality. Uga kaáyu nà siyang ikaisturya, He is very lifeless to talk to. n dried fish. v {1} [APB; c1P] dry out; cause s.t. to do so. Nag-uga (nagpauga) ku ug isdà, I am drying some fish. Muuga (mauga) ra nà ug ihayhay, It will get dry if you hang it up. Nagkauga na ang atábay, The well is drying up. Hiughan na ang ímung linadlad, The clothes you were bleaching have gotten dry. {2} [B; c1] get lifeless and dry in manner. Nauga na man ka run, You have become cool to us. {3} [b4(1)] be a? ected by s.t. being dry. {3a} have a dry labor. Naglísud pagpanganak ang babáyi kay naughan, The woman had a di? cult delivery because she had a dry labor. {3b} for ones throat to be parched. ang tutunlan needing a drink (of liquor).