UTAY-UTAY is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
utáy-utáy - Retail, small quantity, little by little; to retail, deal in small quantities, do little by little, by little and little, in small instalments, etc. Ginautáyutáy lang níya ang pagbáyad sang íya útang. He is paying off his debt in small amounts at a time (in (by) instalments). Maáyo kon índì mo pagtíngban sang íya galastóhon ang bátà mo nga nagatoón sa Manílà, kóndì utáyutayán mo lang. It is advisable (good policy) not to give your son that is studying in Manila the whole amount for his expenses in a lump sum, but to let him have it by instalments (by small remittances from time to time). Bungkagá lang ang isá mo ka manóso (máno) nga tabákò kag ipautáyutáy, agúd madalî maúrut sang bakál. Just undo one of your bundles of tobacco-leaves and sell it retail so that it may be bought up soon. Nagabalígyà siá sing utáyutáy. He is selling retail. He is a retail-merchant. (cf. píndak—wholesale).