UTITID is a word in Hiligaynon with its meaning in English.
utitíd - Care, solicitude, diligence; to do or perform with care, take charge of, cater for, treat well, manage with zeal, apply oneself with right good will (with an eye to one’s own interest or advantage). Utitirá (-idá) siá. Take care of him. Look well after him. Maálam gid siá magutitíd sinâ. He knows very well to manage that and to look to his own profit. Ginautitíd níya sa gihápon ang tanán nga mga buluháton níya. He habitually performs all his duties well (with an eye to his own advantage). N.B. Utitirá siá. (H) Utitidá (tána). (B) has at times also the meaning: Exact a strict account of him. Make him pay back every centavo, every favour received, or the like. (cf. tátap, sagúd, sapópo, písan, úkud).