YAMYAM is a word in Cebuano with its meaning in English.
yamyam v {1} [A; ac] utter, articulate words rapidly and not for the purpose of communicating. Nagyamyam siya sa ímung ngálan samtang natúlug, She was uttering your name while she was asleep. Nagyamyam ug pangadyiun, Uttering a prayer. {1a} mumble, mutter. Muyamyam ka man lang. Súkul! You just mutter to yourself. Fight back! Klarúha nang ímung sin-ultihan, ayaw yamyáma (iyamyam), Say what you have to say distinctly. Dont mumble it. {2} [A; c] say s.t. Dì ka kaákug yamyam sa ímung túyù, You cant get nerve enough to say what you want. Unsay giyamyam mu didtu sa átung agálun báhin kanákù? What did you tell our employer regarding me? n s.t. uttered, esp. prayers and incantations. a loudmouthed. -unun n s.t. usually uttered, esp. prayers.